October 10, 2008

Our blog is live, green, and growing bloggets!

We’ve got lots of things going on at Celery Street right now! We have completed the move to our cool new office/warehouse and things are looking very eclectic and 70s ish around here with all the auction and Goodwill finds!

Celery Street was selected and WE are honored to participate in California First Lady Maria Shriver’s Women’s Conference! They selected one of leather writing journals.

We'll soon kick off our Orange Sale, so watch for announcements. Also, keep checking in with us - I’d love some of your comments too!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all at Celery Street on being selected by Maria! Look forward to your blog regarding the conference.

I am extremely happy with my purchases from Celery Street.

Will be coming back for more soon, and checking for the new items as you add them.