February 11, 2010

The Green Police!

Super Bowl Commercials this year were inspired, funny, and some a little annoying but my favorite of all were those Green Police! Audi A3 TDI Clean diesel with the help of Cheap Trick did a hilarious job of reminding us that it is all about eco choices and lending a hand to Mother Nature. And buying an Audi A3 TDI clean diesel. Betty White with a Snickers bar in hand, driving off in an Audi A3 TDI after her football with the boys would have been really inspired. She washes off the Snickers wrapper and puts it into the recycle bin. Is that even possible??

Cheap Trick actually went back to the studio to rescore the famous “Dream Police” song.

Another Green Police PSA came out, thanks to this Green Police song by Cheap Trick. These Green Police are about protecting and conserving the earth, one napkin at a time. More than one billion pounds of napkins could be kept out of our landfills if we use the correct amount of napkins for our food. Follow this simple formula. 1 = 1. 1 piece of pizza = 1 napkin. 1 hamburger = 1 napkin. See for yourself!

You heard him. These Green Police will be hitting the streets after February 7th. They are out there…Napkin Abuse. It’s no Joke.

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